Original press release published here.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – November 2, 2022 – Scality announced that it has been ranked #1 by Gartner for the Backup use case in the 2022 Gartner® Critical Capabilities report for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage, among 18 storage vendors. Scality was also recognized as a Leader in the just-issued 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage — for a seventh year in a row.
In addition to being ranked #1 for Backup, Scality is #2 in the Cloud-Native Applications use case, among 13 vendors. Scality also ranked 4th and 6th in two other use cases — Archiving and Hybrid-Cloud Storage.
Paul Speciale, CMO at Scality, said: "We are honored that Scality was recognized again in the Gartner Critical Capabilities. Ransomware attacks on backup data are on the rise, making backup and data protection among the most business-critical capabilities that IT teams provide. Scality's ranking as #1 in the Backup use case, we feel, reflects what our customers already know — that having an on-premises object storage solution for backup brings undeniable advantages, including freedom from lock-in, bulletproof data protection, and fast recovery."
As stated in the Gartner report, "Critical Capabilities" are attributes that differentiate products/services in a class in terms of their quality and performance. Gartner recommends that users consider the set of critical capabilities as some of the most important criteria for acquisition decisions.
Global organizations, including Électricité de France, Natixis and the National Library of Scotland, are using Scality as the foundation of the stack that keeps their data protected. Surging ransomware threats elevate the importance of encryption, authentication and data immutability in object storage to protect sensitive data and enable teams to get back to business fast.
Scality's RING and ARTESCA solutions create unbreakable cloud storage for data centers — preserving 100% data availability against ransomware attacks and enabling organizations to meet data sovereignty, data protection and business intelligence needs via the creation of data lakes.
Scality solutions go beyond the 3-2-1-1 "golden rule" of backup (3 copies of data on 2 different media with 1 copy being off-site). Scality offers simplified access to object storage for air-gapped, tamper-proof backup data and partners with a wide range of leading security, data protection and backup providers — including Veeam, Commvault, Zerto, Veritas, Kasten, HYCU and Rubrik — to build integrated, complete solutions for real-world workloads. With Scality, organizations have an all-in-one solution that protects their data while extracting business value.
Download the 2022 Gartner® Critical Capabilities report for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage here.
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