Keeping our finger on the pulse of external innovation for HPE

We keep HPE’s “finger-on-the-pulse” of disruptive innovation in the start-up ecosystem. Leveraging our deep social networks and technology expertise we track emerging trends and innovative companies that are relevant to HPE’s business. We engage with business leaders across the company, providing insights and fostering dialogue to influence business and partner strategy.


Guiding startups to effectively engage HPE


Pathfinder partners with the startup community to make connections and provide guidance to entrepreneurs looking to partner with HPE. We drive technical and customer engagements generating insights into joint use cases to scale to the enterprise.


Cultivating leading startups for enterprises globally


We provide a lens into start-up innovation for HPE customers through briefings at HPE Executive Briefing Centers globally, HPE Discover and industry events, or in one-on-one interactions. Customers receive insight into emerging disruptive trends, introduction to leading innovative companies, and validated joint-solutions.
