Originally published on HPE Newsroom here
- Customers are seeking a cohesive data strategy
- Companies face a set of unique challenges to secure their OT networks
- BigID’s technology can complement HPE solutions to help HPE’s customers better protect and derive insights from their data
At Hewlett Packard Pathfinder, one of the most important parts of our mission is to provide an external innovation lens for Hewlett Packard Enterprise that can help the company execute on its vision to be the leading edge-to-cloud company. Pathfinder’s recent investments and announcement of our program expansion are evidence of the value of the program in informing HPE strategy and the impact of the partnerships between the start-up ecosystem and HPE to solve key customer challenges. Among the most critical of these challenges is managing the volume and complexity of data to gain value from it.
Today I am excited to announce Pathfinder’s latest strategic investment in BigID to support HPE’s data services strategy. BigID is a leading data intelligence platform that enables organizations to understand and protect their data, enforce policies, and automate data management. Their vision of empowering companies to become more responsible custodians of personal and sensitive information supports HPE’s focus on helping customers access, analyze, and protect all their data, no matter where it lives.
"Our investment in BigID supports HPE’s focus on helping customers access, analyze, and protect their data no matter where it lives"
Customers seek a cohesive data strategy
The world is producing and consuming an ever-increasing amount of data. IDC estimates that global data creation and replication will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23% from 2020 to 2025¹. As companies continue their digital transformations, the pace of data creation and consumption will only accelerate. This massive wave of data combined with increasing global privacy regulations will create new imperatives for how data is managed and protected to ensure privacy and compliance while extracting value in real time.
Companies are seeking a cohesive data strategy that can incorporate an in-depth understanding of data across the lenses of security, privacy, governance, and regulations while still providing the flexibility to do more with their data. BigID addresses this increasingly relevant set of needs.
Data insights plus action
BigID is a leading data intelligence platform that helps organizations realize detailed insight into the sensitive, personal, regulated, and critical data they collect and process – and act on that data. The platform allows for modern data visibility and control across an organization’s most important asset: their data. Sitting in a unique position at the center of data privacy, data governance, and data security, BigID allows customers to achieve compliance, proactively strengthen their security, and empower their data governance teams. By leveraging BigID’s patented ML and AI techniques, automating manual processes, and embracing an open ecosystem, customers can proactively discover, manage, and protect their regulated, sensitive, and personal data across their data landscape while accelerating actionable insights. BigID is poised to transform how organizations manage their data.
"BigID’s platform helps organizations realize detailed insight into the data they collect and process – and act on that data"
BigID is a leading data intelligence platform that helps organizations realize detailed insight into the sensitive, personal, regulated, and critical data they collect and process – and act on that data. The platform allows for modern data visibility and control across an organization’s most important asset: their data. Sitting at a unique position in the center of data privacy, data governance, and data security, BigID allows customers to achieve compliance, proactively strengthen their security, and empower their data governance teams. By leveraging BigID’s patented ML and AI techniques, automating manual processes, and embracing an open ecosystem, customers can proactively discover, manage, and protect their regulated, sensitive, and personal data across their data landscape while accelerating actionable insights. BigID is poised to transform how organizations manage their data.
The foundation of the BigID Data Intelligence Platform is its detailed, automated data analysis and discovery capability that identifies and manages metadata and data at scale – across any data type, wherever that data is stored. It combines leading machine learning classification and correlation techniques to provide context around the data itself: whose it is, where it is, what it is. The core catalog leverages machine learning for labeling and discovery, plus deeper insights into data values, neighboring data relationships and locations of duplicate or similar data.
The road ahead leads to data protection and insights
Pathfinder’s investment in BigID allows us to support the company’s next phase of growth as well as explore ways for BigID’s innovative technology to complement HPE solutions to help HPE’s customers better protect and derive insights from their data. BigID, welcome to the Pathfinder family!
In the coming months, I look forward to accelerating our pace of investments in the start-up ecosystem aligned to HPE’s edge-to-cloud strategy and bring even more complementary, cutting-edge innovation to our customers. Stay tuned!
¹Data Creation and Replication Will Grow at a Faster Rate than Installed Storage Capacity, According to the IDC Global DataSphere and StorageSphere Forecasts. IDC, March 2021.
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